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首页 >> 展会资讯 >> 2009年首届国际低渗透(致密)油气勘探开发技术研讨会2009 1st Annual Symosiu
2009年首届国际低渗透(致密)油气勘探开发技术研讨会2009 1st Annual Symosiu

  BITeomics, Inc. is national leading company dedicated to providing products & information services to support petroleum biotechnology development around the world. Besides Translational innovative R & D Products, BITeomics has also involved in promotion of intellectual exchanges in high tech areas, and has organized more than 30 major international congresses and Symposia with participation of leading scientists, engineers, executives, investors from around the world. Many of these prominent leaders have joined BITeomics as advisors.
  BITeomics is now organizing the “2009 1st Annual Symosium of Ultra-tight Reservoir E & P”, with a theme of “Push the Limit for Exploring Global Energy Resources”, which will be held during October 26-28, 2009 in Xi’an, China. It will be a major conference updating the revolutionary developments in Tight Reservoir Exploration and Production since China enters the new era of Mainstream Technological challenge tight oil and gas reservoir engineering, productions toward processing.
  The conference has broad petroleum industrial support and has the additional goal of enhancing international collaborations and integrating all possible intelligence resources to seek the solutions to the global technology and engineering Challenges of Fossil Energy Sector.
For the three-day meetings, BITeomics plans to:  
Invite 10-15 Worldwide Distinguished Engineers and Decision Makers as plenary lecturers
Invite 40-50 leading Experts and engineers of the International Ultra-tight Reservoir Projects
Organize up to 100 scientific and technological presentations at the leading edge of the Ne Technologies and New Materials
80+ Technological Posters and New Product Exhibitions or Showcases
2 Round Table Discussion with Decision Makers
Integrate 1-2 cultural and art events

上一条: 2009中国(无锡)国际新能源博览会
下一条: 逾1万7千名人士出席上海国际电力电工展
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